Binary addition

Table of contents

  1. Addition


Binary addition is similar to Decimal addition. As this addition is binary, it implies that you cannot have a number greater than 1 i.e., when you do ‘1+1’ it gives 0 with carry 1 i.e, 10.

Examples :
0 + 0 = 0
0 + 1 = 1
1 + 0 = 1
1 + 1 = 1

    1 1   (3)
  + 1 0   (2)
  1 0 1   (5)

In the above example, for units place gives 1 as the submission of 1 and 0, whereas, when addition occurs at the ten’s place where 1 and 1 are added, it gives 10 not 2 because this is binary addition which results in carry of 1 and 0 as a result of the submission. The example below gives 110 because it results in 111 at the tens place which is 11 in binary. As two 1’s gives 10, further if you add 1 it will give 11.

  1 1   (3)
+ 1 1   (3)
1 1 0   (6)

Pop Quiz

Question 1

What is the answer to 1100 + 0011 = ?

Question 2

11111111 + 00100000 = 100011111 is an example of ______

Overflow error
8 bit binary addition
Question 3

What is the answer to 01101011 + 01010100 = ?